Thursday 17 January 2013

No Crime in asking


When Caleb was 40 years old, he and Joshua went to spy Canaan Land. Thereafter, Moses promised him some portion of land, which he didn’t claim until 45 years later. At this time, Joshua was the one in the position of leadership. When Caleb approached him to request for what he had been promised, Joshua blessed him and gave him what was rightfully his.

It would be appropriate to presume that had any one of us been Joshua, the situation could have turned ugly – we all know how terrible land issues in Nigeria can be. I mean in the first place, we would probably tell Caleb that we weren’t the ones who promised him the land, and that it was such a long time ago. Also if some of us were in Caleb’s shoes, we probably wouldn’t ask about the land for the same reasons.

Many Truth be told, the person who asks has nothing to be ashamed of, they have only moved a step closer to their ‘Personal Legend’, as Paulo Coelho puts it in his book, The Alchemist. Asking is consistent with God’s will, or else why would Christ have said in Matthew7: 7, “Ask and it shall be given unto you…”

In Judges 1:13-15, we see Caleb’s daughter exhibit that same spirit of assertiveness that her father showed. Caleb had given her away in marriage, and had also given her some land. Yet, his daughter made another request for springs of water, and of course he gave it to her, all because she asked. A lot of people keep quiet about things they desire and only speak up after someone else has gone and taken the very thing they wanted.

You can’t go through life without asking, and it doesn’t make you any less of a person if you ask. A little humility never hurt anyone; contrary to that, humility is actually a sign of great strength.

Even Jesus Christ made a few requests in his life on earth – he asked for a colt to ride into Jerusalem, he asked for Peter’s boat, and so on. So if the Son of Man could ask, what else are we talking about? Now don’t get me wrong and start begging people everywhere for things you want or need, you’ll be missing the point. I’m talking about asking for things that will aid your development and success in life.

However, remember to pray that your requests should be in line with God’s will for you.


Ayodele Oloyede

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